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Pot helps Quark make mark

  • Berry 3D
Europe, Nordic Countries, Denmark, Sweden, Eating, Drinking, Food, Milk, Dairy Based Drinks, Primary Packaging, Jars, Pots, Packaging Decoration, Colouring, Printing

A Swedish dairy producer is using the SuperLight™ pot from RPC Superfos to pack its new range of Quark. Skånemejerierne chose the thermoformed polypropylene container for its Lindahls Kvark brand after deciding to stop importing from Germany and produce and pack the product in-house.

The 500g SuperLight™ is decorated by offset printing in six colours, and features different artwork for each of the 25 flavours in the range, which include vanilla, coconut and strawberry, as well as other varieties such as low-carb lactose-free raspberry.

After swapping to their own filling line, Skånemejerierne’s Quark production has become more cost-efficient with the intention of further strengthening its market position in Sweden and other European countries. Importantly for the company, the change of packaging has gone unnoticed by end-users.

“The aim of the entire project was to maintain the same packaging standard as before, with only ourselves noticing the changes," explains Thore Bengtsson, Purchaser at Skånemejerierne.

"We asked RPC Superfos to deliver the same type of pack as the one we used to import, and we got what we asked for, even within a very tight time schedule. We’ve had superb cooperation with RPC Superfos, who have given us the right product quality, service and support on time and according to plan.”

Full of healthy proteins, Quark is very popular among fitness fans and athletes.

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  • Company News
  • English
  • Modified 13 Jul 2017
  • Hits 3194