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Optimal pot for Optimel salad is a recipe for success

  • Berry 3D
Europe, Benelux, Eating, Drinking, Food, Vegetables, Primary Packaging, Jars, Pots, Jars - Plastic, Cross Section Circular, Plastic, In Mold Labelling, 100 - 199.99 ml, 175 ml

A different shape and a convenient lid have made the SuperLock® pot from Berry Superfos a great match for a new range of healthy and tasty Optimel® salads from Friesland Campina produced by the Dutch company Royal Smilde Foods.

The three new tempting varieties in the popular Optimel brand, which reflect the growing popularity among consumers for healthy salads, comprise capsicum & cucumber, celery & apple, and curry. The range contains no fat and no added sugar, and all three 175ml salads are delicious on toasted bread for an easy and healthy lunch.

The Optimel salads, which have already become very popular, are easy to spot in the cold counter at supermarkets in the SuperLock pot with its striking blue coloured lid. At the same time, according to Royal Smilde, another reason that the pack stands out on-shelf is its round shape, which sets it apart from the square packs in which cold salads are usually sold in the Benelux. The different rounded look also highlights the fact that Optimel salads are new and different, containing significantly less calories than other salads.

“We consider the packaging to be a very important part of our product concept − and its success,” explains Janine Schraa, Product Manager at Smilde, who reports that end-users like the fact that the SuperLock packaging solution is completely effortless to open and re-close, so that any remaining content can be saved for later in the fridge.

Equally important, a ‘Plastic Hero’ logo is included in the In-Mould Label to highlight the pack’s sustainable profile. In the Netherlands, used plastic is collected under a voluntary waste management system called ‘Plastic Hero’, which indicates ease of recycling. This is exactly the case for the SuperLock container and the lid which are made of one single type of plastic (mono-material), making complex breakdown processes unnecessary.

Though the timeline leading up to the launch date was very short, Berry Superfos managed a tight planning phase and secured on-time delivery of the pots.

See also

  • Brand Launch
  • English
  • Modified 05 Dec 2019
  • Hits 3761