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Tub delivers lighter weight and improved performance

  • Berry 3D
Europe, UK, Ireland, Eating, Drinking, Food, Butter, Spreads, Tubs, Active, Smart Packaging, Sustainable Packaging, Lightweight Packaging, Plastic, Plastic - PP, Tooling, Mold Making

A new tub from Berry Superfos for one of the UK’s most popular spreadable butters has achieved a 9% weight reduction while delivering increased efficiency on the filling line and incorporating an attractive new look.

The need for new tooling for the production of the 500g polypropylene tub for Arla Foods UK’s Anchor Spreadable brand resulted in the company re-evaluating the tub and the processes connected to it.

“We saw an opportunity to make the packaging more sustainable by focusing on resources and its environmental impact,” explains Jason Forrester who works in Packaging Innovation & Optimisation at the company.

As part of this, the tub’s weight has been reduced from 16g to 14.7g, a 9% saving.

As Jason Forrester explains, “By cutting the amount of plastic material used for the tub, we reduce not only the packaging weight, but also the carbon footprint linked to the production of the tub and the transportation. A lighter pack leads to a lighter truck which again leads to lower fuel consumption.”

The change in tooling and investment in new machinery, combined with an increased use of robotics, have also addressed previous quality issues. The new packaging delivers high performance, eliminates breakages and other filling line issues.

Jason Forrester continues, “The Anchor packaging project run with Berry Superfos is a turning point for us. We also appreciate that the company has recently approached us about recycling, requirements for food contact material and a better understanding of sustainability challenges. We are ready for the next level. Arla Foods UK feels confident of meeting present and future sustainability obligations together with Berry Superfos.”

Alongside the weight reduction, Arla Foods UK gave both the 250g and 500g tubs, used for the blend of Anchor butter and rapeseed oil, a new artwork design. The result is a fresher look with a focus on product provenance including a Union Jack. Alongside the classic blend, distinguished by yellow and green colours, there are two other varieties: unsalted (yellow and red) and lighter (yellow and blue).

See also

  • Brand Launch
  • English
  • Modified 24 Jan 2020
  • Hits 6545